Thanks to YOU, we served 41 people this month, including:
7 Individuals
13 Families
21 Children
Guests ranged in age from 6 months to 54 years old
A lot of people talk about the “Luck of the Irish” in March. We know that the luck is all ours, this month and every month, to have such amazingly dedicated supporters like YOU!
Take a look at what you made possible this month:
Daisy got a new job!
We are very proud of Daisy, who is a guest at Evelyn’s Place. She is working very hard in the S4 Program, and recently reached a major milestone when she earned a job at the Inn at Perry Cabin in St. Michaels. Daisy is taking everything she is learning here to heart, and she is well on her way to achieving Success in the form of lasting self-sufficiency!
Russ and Felix on the Playground!
Guests Russ and Felix spent Wednesday at the Talbot Bible Church in Cordova with Trustee Kenny Tindall, putting mulch down for their children’s playground. They put in a hard day’s work, and are happy to know that they were able to help give the children at the church somewhere to play safely!
This would not be possible without YOU! You are life-changers!!
Read the rest of the newsletter HERE!