Talbot Spy, March 21, 2023
During the year-end holiday season, one might walk into a store or turn on the radio and hear various singers proclaiming, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” The staff and supporters of Talbot Interfaith Shelter (TIS), however, have that refrain stuck in their heads throughout what they affectionately refer to as ‘Lip Sync Season’ – the weeks leading up to and including TIS’ highly-anticipated annual Lip Sync Battle fundraiser.
After taking the competition online for two years and a hybrid event last year, Lip Sync Battle 2023 – presented by Sun Management Rising Technologies – is returning to its roots with a full live show on April 29th at the Waterfowl Building (former Armory) in Easton. Doors open at 6:00 pm for light fare, cocktails, mixing, mingling, and photo booth fun. Showtime is at 7:00 pm.
Talbot Interfaith Shelter’s Lip Sync Battle is a can’t-miss evening filled with joy from start to finish. Hands will be clapping, toes will be tapping, and laughter will fill the air as teams from across our community come together to entertain and inspire the audience in hopes of earning votes for the title of 2023 Lip Sync Champion. This event makes for a perfect date night experience, a memorable evening of family fun, or a friends’ night out!
There are three competition categories this year: Live Performance, Videos Presented at the Live Show, and Online-Only Videos. Every team is competing to raise the most money in support of TIS’ mission to provide Shelter, Stability, Support, and a path to Success for local families and individuals in need. The winners in each group will be announced at the end of the show, as will the “People’s Choice” award, which is decided by audience applause.
“We are so excited to bring everyone back together once again this year,” says TIS Executive Director Julie Lowe. “There is absolutely nothing like the energy in the room during Lip Sync Battle. To look out and see a beautiful cross-section of our community and watch them share laughter and joy together… It is truly magical, and we just cannot wait!”
The competition has already begun, and the community can visit https://talbotinterfaithshelter.org/lsb to purchase tickets and/or vote for their favorite team(s) from now through the end of the show on April 29th.
Those interested in becoming a Lip Sync Battle sponsor or volunteering during the event should contact TIS Development Director Laura Richeson at 443-786-6962 or lauraricheson@talbotinterfaithshelter.org.
Talbot Interfaith Shelter is a homeless shelter and transitional housing program based in Easton, MD and serving the five counties of the Mid-Shore (Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Annes). They have developed the innovative and comprehensive S4 Program (Shelter, Stability, Support, Success), which is designed to guide local families and individuals from homelessness to self-sufficiency.
Guests begin at one of TIS’ two neighboring shelter homes – Easton’s Promise for families and Evelyn’s Place for single men and women – where they receive rigorous case management and attend life skills training while they work to attain financial stability. Once they are ready, guests move into one of TIS’ 15 off-site transitional apartments, where they continue to receive case management while their portion of rent gradually increases until they are able to sustain all of their expenses.
To learn more about Talbot Interfaith Shelter and how to help, visit https://talbotinterfaithshelter.org or contact Julie Lowe at 410-310-2316 or julielowe@talbotinterfaithshelter.org.