November 2022 Newsletter – A look at what YOU make possible!

Thanks to YOU, we served 46 people this month, including:

6 Individuals

11 Families

21 Children

Guests ranged in age from 2 months to 55 years old

During this time of thanks, we want to express our deep gratitude for everything you do for the families and individuals we serve. You change lives every single day! Take a look at what you made possible this month!

Russ and Jonathan got jobs!

We are so very proud of Russ and Jonathan, two of the gentlemen in our singles shelter, Evelyn’s Place. They have both been working very hard to find employment ever since they joined us, and their hard work paid off in a big way this month!

Russ will be delivering medical supplies, and Jonathan got not one, but TWO jobs – one at a local grocery store, and one at a retail store.

This is a wonderful milestone in their journey through the S4 Program (Shelter, Stability, Support, Success). Help us congratulate them!

Read the rest of the newsletter HERE!